Should I Go Out With Him/Her?

Hold back, and you'll never find out.
You'll spend your whole life wondering.

Honestly, you can sit there and evaluate the pros and cons of being with that special someone. "He's going to drive me crazy" and "She's going to be controlling."

It's a constant pulsating thought. What if he or she is like that?

Of course, it's normal to be so paranoid. Relationships nowadays are prone to fail. Or so they say. But it's only because of the incessant fear permeating our confidence. Honestly, know now that:
love is a risk
If you're not willing to take the risks and allow yourself to become vulnerable, you will cower back to your endless "flings" (that you and I both know were no where near fulfilling). If you can't put up with taking risks and submitting yourself to vulnerability, don't expect a healthy relationship. Men and women cannot love without feelings. Don't be afraid to share them!

Everyone has their doubts and fear when it comes to love. But has that been working out for you? Ladies, you just become needy. Fellas, you become cold players. Both are turn-offs in relationships.

Love is also a battle.

Are you going to be the coward?


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